
Archive for August 30th, 2014

Well. What a night last night was.

The truth is, I was tired before we started. I am just not used to going out like that, 4 nights on the trot. Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed every minute of every night, but I am so tired. I did not wake up until mid day on Friday, and then it was only because Kathy was licking my face as she had to go out.

Anyway, we got to Alma’s at 6 pm, and was greeted by a large glass of red wine. It was an Italian themed night, and to celebrate this, all the men decided to draw false thin moustaches on our faces, like we were the mafia. We thought it would surprise her. However, what we did not know, is that Alma got wind of this and did the same. She caught us right out! Very funny.

The food was lovely. We had Bruschetta for starters- little pizzas, which were tasty and light, washed down with a heavy red wine. For main course we had tagliatelle, all hand made, with tomato sauce, with partisan cheese, accompanied with a dry white wine. And for pudding, the best Tiramisu and Panna cotta, with strawberries, again with a white wine, which was quite sweet. Each was a small portion so we were not over filled, but they tasted amazing.

The entertainment was brilliant as well. Some of Alma’s friends came around and sang some opera- it was Toscha, apparently. It was lovely and beautiful and moved us all to tears. All washed down with red wine.

As you can tell, there was a lot of wine being drunk- red and white. For me, red and white does not mix, and with being tired, well, shall we say, I was very drunk. Luckily I went giggly and not maudlin (which is surprising given recent events), and they all laughed art me. I can remember the whole night- I think- though I am a bit sketchy on how I got home again.

I woke up at 3pm this afternoon, with the headache of a life time. Still rough now.

Anyway, we are meeting tomorrow afternoon in Weatherspoons to judge the winner.

It’s been a great week. I have some great friends.

Yours sincerely


Raymond Williams

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