
Posts Tagged ‘Heanton’

A long walk

Gosh, its been muggy today! We spent the morning sorting out the the washing after the weekend. We were having an early night last night, but ended up watching the football last night. I thought it was a bit stretched out, but it was great to see the celebrities and the proper footballers play. It was a shame to see us loose, but it raised a lot of money. We rang in and pledged £5.

This afternoon, Alma called around, and spent the afternoon gossiping over a bottle of wine with Maureen. It was OK in the beginning, but it soon got on my nerves, so I took Kathy out for a long walk along the river bank. We ended up at Heanton Court! After a drink there, we caught a taxi back- my knees were killing me, and I was very sweaty. I got it to drop us off on the square so no one would know. We walked the last bit so it looked convincing.

When we got back, they were well on their way to the end of the second bottle, so I made us all tea- pie and chips, it was lovely.

Alma is still here now- 4th bottle!- and I think she will end up sleeping on the settee. Maureen is quite giggly and cuddly, so we may have an early night.

Yours sincerely


Raymond Williams

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